IRC logs of #tryton for Monday, 2022-12-19 #tryton log beginning Mon Dec 19 12:00:01 AM CET 2022
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton00:11
-!- ChanServ changed mode/#tryton -> +o cedk 00:11
-!- tbruyere( has joined #tryton06:05
-!- springwurm(~springwur@ has joined #tryton06:12
-!- mrichez(~Maxime@2a02:a03f:c2e8:f900:db7c:11fb:1fc6:3112) has joined #tryton06:20
-!- tbruyere1( has joined #tryton06:36
-!- tbruyere1( has joined #tryton06:51
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton08:04
-!- ChanServ changed mode/#tryton -> +o cedk 08:04
-!- acaubet(~Thunderbi@ has joined #tryton08:28
-!- nicoe(~nicoe@2a02:578:852a:c00:18c2:1aff:fef9:2b7f) has joined #tryton09:04
pokolicedk: I see several people requesting develop access to the tryton project. AFAIK we should grant to everyone that wants to contribute right? 10:08
cedkpokoli: yes but I want to wait a little bit more before starting10:10
pokolicedk: ok, I just accepted mrichez 10:10
pokolimy plan is to start migrating issues to get familiar with the proces10:11
mrichezpokoli: thanks but i could wait ... 10:11
pokoliI'm just looking at the issues and it looks very nice. It seems the migration went perfectly10:11
mrichezcedk: linked issues were not copied ?10:13
mrichezcedk: if i remember, this issue was depending on one of yours... ( ?10:14
cedkmrichez: there is no such concept and now you can make topic on top of other topic10:17
mrichezcedk: ok i add manually linked issue10:19
pokoliI'm not able to see the contents of a file under heptapod:
pokoliI will use the link for now10:23
cedkpokoli: it works for me10:28
mrichezpokoli: ? code is displayed 10:28
pokolicedk: ok, it works now10:28
cedkusing will be deprecated very fast10:29
-!- htgoebel( has joined #tryton10:30
pokoliok, so I edited the link. It is very easy now :D10:30
pokolicedk: While creating an Issue I missed the bug option, but AFAIK if it is not a feature request it should be a bug. Right? 10:32
pokoliIs the github mirror still working? There is a new empty repository:
mrichezcedk: is it normal i could edit pokoli's issue description ?10:34
pokolimrichez: yes, you can edit anything. So if you make a typo I can fix it for you10:34
mrichezpokoli: ok :-)10:34
pokoliof course you can also fix my typos :P 10:35
cedkpokoli: not yet10:37
cedkas developer you have the right to modify issues (to be use with care)10:41
cedkwe are still waiting for the personal topic development which will remove the requirement for contributor to be developer10:41
cedkthat's also a reason I do not want to give too fast too much developer access10:42
cedkpokoli: for me the current type labels are enough to cover all our cases10:43
pokolicedk: do we have any ETA for personal topic? 10:45
cedkpokoli: not yet10:46
cedkpokoli: also about accepting developer, we must verify people are who they say they are10:52
cedkpokoli: we have the list of the corresponding heptapod created user and former roundup user10:52
-!- acaubet(~Thunderbi@ has joined #tryton11:24
-!- rmu( has joined #tryton12:14
-!- springwurm(~springwur@ has joined #tryton13:04
pokolicedk: how you plan to manage backports on heptapod? I see no backport label13:17
cedkpokoli: I plan just to manage backport topics for each branch and merge them from time to time13:28
pokolicedk: just in a topic or with an never ending merge request? Not sure if users will ask them for backports13:32
cedkpokoli: I do not understand13:33
pokolicedk: in the new workflow, how can I see what is pending to backport? There will be a merge request or just the topic branch? 13:34
pokoliACTION does not now how a topic branch is shown on heptapod13:34
pokoliACTION just created a merge request13:40
pokoliI can confirm its easier than before :D just commit and push! 13:41
cedkpokoli: a topic with maybe a MR13:41
pokoliI see all topics are shown on: but probably it will be a huge list there13:42
pokoliit is possible to have a log without topic branches? 13:51
pokoliI'm doing: hg log -b default but I see all topic branches there which I will like to hide13:51
mrichezhi, is it a bug to have a key in a groupby which is not a class method ?
pokolimrichez: no, afaiu self will contain each record of the iteration so the grouping will be right. 15:16
pokoliif you use a classmethod you need to add an additional move parameter which will be each current record. So it is just more complex15:16
mrichezpokoli: but why calling cls._cost_price_key instead of self._cost_price_key ?15:18
mrichezpokoli: for me, there's something not logical...15:19
mrichezpokoli: calling a class method but not defined as a classmethod15:19
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton15:21
-!- ChanServ changed mode/#tryton -> +o cedk 15:21
pokolimrichez: in python cls._cost_price_key (where cls is a class) and self._cost_price_key (where self is the class instance) is exactly the same method15:21
pokoliI may understand your issue as it may be a little bit tricky for other languages but everything works on python 15:22
mrichezpokoli: thanks for explanations :-)15:41
-!- nicoe(~nicoe@2a02:578:852a:c00:18c2:1aff:fef9:2b7f) has joined #tryton19:05
-!- nicoe(~nicoe@2a02:578:852a:c00:18c2:1aff:fef9:2b7f) has joined #tryton20:41
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton22:57
-!- ChanServ changed mode/#tryton -> +o cedk 22:57

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