IRC logs of #tryton for Saturday, 2023-10-07 #tryton log beginning Sat Oct 7 12:10:01 AM CEST 2023
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton22:56
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nickbnfhello together!11:00
nickbnfFirst of all thank you for a great ERP11:00
nickbnfCa any body help me with a report?11:01
nickbnfcedk: hi Cedk, are you here?11:21
cedknickbnf: hi what is your question? (ask directly instead of asking permission)12:45
cedknickbnf: if it is complex you may ask on
-!- udono( has joined #tryton13:01
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nickbnfcedk: both default templates for and are created ina way, that they are iterating over all entries in "records", which is fine, as log as you are staying away from headers and footers.14:49
nickbnfcedk: through several experiments I have find out, that nether header of footer are away for a current "item from records" 14:50
nickbnfcedk: onr can say they did not know the current "index of an iteration"14:50
nickbnfcedk: here is my use case: I am trying to put following Quotation/Invoice attirbutes {quotation|sale type, date, (customer)party.code, (customer) party.tax_id, (quotation|sale)record.full_number} in to a header14:53
nickbnfcedk: reason behind this is to able to identify to what matter all pages are related14:54
nickbnfcedk: it is special important if you have a quotation, which must be signed by a customer14:55
nickbnfcedk: and without such "header of footer based" identification is not possible to proove later, what Quotation has customer actually signed14:56
nickbnfcedk: I am also confused, why each report is getting a list of records instead of a one14:57
nickbnfcedk: thank you in advance! And if IRC is wrong plac for this descussion, just tell and I will post it at discuss.tryton.org14:58
cedknickbnf: OpenDocument format allows only a songle content of header and footer14:58
nickbnfcedk: you can still iterate records in header14:59
cedknickbnf: so you must group records by header_key15:00
nickbnfcedk: one can try to group them, but the issue is that you are getting "potentially" multiple records, that you are iterating throug in a document body. And in my case it looks like you have 3 separate areas {header, body, footer} where you have no way to know "sync" an iteration of a body part15:03
nickbnfcedk: or have you ment, that there is possibility to wolkaround this through some kid of header_key mapping?15:04
cedknickbnf: Report.header_key will generate one report per key15:18
nickbnfcedk: seems promising. How one can make a use of a Report.header_key? Modify esisting report, create a new one, or it is just a matter of sime setting?15:20
nickbnfcedk: just trying to understand where Report.header_key can fe found and how one can propper use it15:21
cedknickbnf: it is already used for the sale report through the CompanyReport to goup record from the same company15:23
cedkbecause we put in the header the company header (idem for footer)15:23
nickbnfcedk: so "account.invoice" Report and "" Repors are already grouped and are called with "len(records) == 1"?15:25
nickbnfcedk: and it it safe in this context to access curent customer party over "records[0]"?15:26
nickbnfcedk: thank you again for your time, I know you are making it in your spare time. 15:27
cedknickbnf: no they are grouped per company15:28
cedkin the header/footer of template, it is only safe to access header data15:29
cedkthe CompanyReport put in the context the header['company'] (for backward compatibiliy)15:29
nickbnfcedk: are you talking about header15:30
nickbnfand footer fields by a company?15:30
cedknickbnf: no the header key in the evaluation context of the report15:31
cedkjust like records15:31
nickbnfcedk: ah so there is "header" key available in a report evaluation scope that one can access15:33
cedknickbnf: yes15:33
cedkit is filled by the values returned by Report.header_key15:34
cedkwhich is a tuple of couple (key, value)15:34
nickbnfcedk: so it a list of pairs?15:34
nickbnfcedk: looks promising! And how one can add some data in this list?15:35
nickbnfcedk: over gui? over some party attributes?15:36
nickbnfcedk: I am new to tryton have just installed it one month ago, so it is possible that my question are dumb15:36
cedknickbnf: you need to extend the Report subclass of the report15:39
cedklike but for report15:39
nickbnfcedk: so it is only possible throug creating a tryton module or patching tryton which is less good option 15:41
nickbnfcedk: I will try to play around with it.15:43
nickbnfcedk: can such functionality be interresting for a tryton mainline or it is only my crazy special case?15:44
cedkI do not think15:49
cedkACTION bbl15:50
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-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton21:05
-!- ChanServ changed mode/#tryton -> +o cedk 21:05

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