IRC logs of #tryton for Wednesday, 2010-12-08 #tryton log beginning Wed Dec 8 00:00:02 CET 2010
2010-12-08 00:01 -!- johbo_( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 00:15 -!- jcm( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 01:16 -!- johbo( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 02:30 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 03:10 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 03:21 -!- mhi1( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 03:22 -!- jcm( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 03:57 -!- johbo_( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 04:33 -!- ikks(~ikks@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 04:44 -!- gremly(~gremly@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 05:09 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 05:20 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 05:24 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 05:35 -!- vladimir_(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 06:02 -!- zodman(~zodman@foresight/developer/zodman) has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 06:38 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 08:06 -!- nicoe(~nicoe@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 08:14 -!- GasbaKid(~GasbaKid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 08:20 -!- GasbaKid(~GasbaKid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 08:24 -!- trifon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 08:36 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 08:50 -!- dex__( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 09:05 -!- pjstevns( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 09:26 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 09:39 -!- bechamel( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 09:41 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 09:47 -!- jcm( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 10:09 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 10:18 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 10:19 -!- paepke( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 12:20 -!- vladimir(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 12:28 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 13:07 -!- pjstevns( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 13:36 -!- GasbaKid(~GasbaKid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 14:23 -!- GasbaKid(~GasbaKid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 14:34 -!- lem0na(~lem0na@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 15:01 -!- ikks(~ikks@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 15:09 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 15:25 -!- vladimir(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 15:53 -!- pjstevns( has left #tryton
2010-12-08 16:08 -!- digitalsatori(~digitalsa@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 16:12 -!- trifon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 16:17 -!- vladimir(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 17:38 -!- vladimir(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 17:55 -!- johbo( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 18:06 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 18:09 -!- nicoe(~nicoe@ has left #tryton
2010-12-08 18:19 <udono> is down
2010-12-08 20:00 -!- irclog( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 20:06 <plantian> cedk: I left the model tag in the xml record for the wizard empty, does it default to something ?
2010-12-08 20:06 <plantian>
2010-12-08 20:08 -!- JoePass(~gasbakid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 20:16 -!- chrue( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 20:51 -!- FWiesing( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 20:51 -!- trifon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 20:51 <plantian> I was trying to make a wizard to select many products at once while in another wizard, is there another way to create such a thing in tryton?
2010-12-08 21:02 <plantian> cedk: Also I talked to users of the price/inventory check I was talking about earlier and they said that inventory lookup was more important than the price lookup.
2010-12-08 21:32 -!- pjstevns( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 21:32 -!- pjstevns( has left #tryton
2010-12-08 21:35 -!- JoePass(~gasbakid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 21:38 -!- GasbaKid(~GasbaKid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 21:43 -!- FWiesing( has left #tryton
2010-12-08 21:50 -!- FWiesing( has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 22:22 <cedk> plantian: ok, button on view try to save the record but in wizard it is only ModelView so there is no create method
2010-12-08 22:22 <cedk> plantian: you must do it in two steps in the same wizard
2010-12-08 22:23 <plantian> cedk: Okay I thought about that, so first step builds product list and second step asks for other fields and keep products in a hidden list ?
2010-12-08 22:24 <cedk> plantian: why not
2010-12-08 22:26 <plantian> Well because I didn't realize I could carry hidden fields until just recently.
2010-12-08 22:26 -!- nicoe(~nicoe@ has left #tryton
2010-12-08 22:26 -!- nicoe(~nicoe@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 22:27 <cedk> plantian: but we could think about feature improvement for using button in wizard
2010-12-08 22:29 <plantian> cedk: Okay just for populating a one 2 many or in a more generic sense?
2010-12-08 22:30 <cedk> plantian: in a generic way
2010-12-08 22:30 <plantian> Is it possible to place state buttons from wizard into different locations ?
2010-12-08 22:30 <cedk> plantian: no
2010-12-08 22:31 <plantian> Okay so maybe that would be a better feature.
2010-12-08 22:33 <plantian> Actually nevermind, I don't think clicking on a button in the middle of the wizard and having the screen change to a new form is intuitive so maybe state buttons at the bottom is always the best.
2010-12-08 22:33 <plantian> Having the button open another wizard on top of the existing wizard though might be very helpful.
2010-12-08 22:35 <plantian> That is the generic feature you are talking about right ?
2010-12-08 22:35 <cedk> plantian: yes
2010-12-08 22:36 <plantian> So it would work if the model was also ModelSQL ?
2010-12-08 22:36 <cedk> plantian: I think
2010-12-08 22:39 <plantian> Hmm yeah I think I have to spend more time thinking about it. I don't know if it is what I really need.
2010-12-08 22:39 <plantian> In more than one place I want to have a button that when clicked starts a wizard whose purpose is to generate a list of records that should be returned to the form containing the button and fill in a one2many field.
2010-12-08 23:04 -!- vladimir(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 23:11 <plantian> cedk: There was a comment on the wizard docs about the actions in the actions list possibly being of type ir.action, that is not possible right? They are always just methods on the wizard as far as I can tell.
2010-12-08 23:12 <plantian> Also there was another state result type named 'state' that it seems like no one mentioned I was missing.
2010-12-08 23:14 <plantian> I think the name should be changed to "result modifiers" instead of "actions".
2010-12-08 23:37 -!- digitalsatori(~digitalsa@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 23:38 -!- digitalsatori(~digitalsa@ has left #tryton
2010-12-08 23:51 -!- ikks(~ikks@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-08 23:56 -!- johbo_( has joined #tryton

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