IRC logs of #tryton for Friday, 2011-04-22 #tryton log beginning Fri Apr 22 00:00:01 CEST 2011
2011-04-22 00:53 -!- udono( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 01:09 -!- FWiesing( has left #tryton
2011-04-22 03:11 -!- Cazou(~Cazou@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 04:52 -!- elbenfreund( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 04:53 -!- elbenfreund1( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 05:20 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 07:22 -!- okko( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 07:54 -!- trifon( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 08:28 -!- silverfox1971( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 08:51 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 08:56 -!- chrue( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 09:16 -!- pjstevns( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 09:29 -!- nicoe(~nicoe@2001:6f8:3aa:0:217:f2ff:fef3:4e9) has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 09:41 -!- okko( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 09:45 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 09:57 -!- bechamel( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 10:57 -!- silverfox1971( has left #tryton
2011-04-22 11:13 -!- okko(~okko@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 11:18 -!- chrue( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 11:51 -!- okko(~okko@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 12:07 -!- elbenfreund( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 12:31 <albertca> My first patch with a small improvement in create() performance when RETURNING is available:
2011-04-22 12:36 <cedk> albertca: could you upload on codereview
2011-04-22 12:37 <cedk> albertca: follow
2011-04-22 12:49 <albertca> cedk: okz!
2011-04-22 13:02 -!- okko(~okko@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 13:03 -!- Cazou(~Cazou@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 13:08 <cedk> albertca: you don't want to upload on ?
2011-04-22 13:09 <albertca> yes I'm trying it, but made a mistake. How can I remove an issue there?
2011-04-22 13:10 <albertca> and how can I upload something that has already been commited in my branch?
2011-04-22 13:10 <albertca> I'm trying to use
2011-04-22 13:12 <bechamel> albertca: iirc is able to pass argument to hg
2011-04-22 13:12 <bechamel> so you have to add something like "--rev <rev id> -p" to get your patch
2011-04-22 13:12 <cedk> albertca: I don't know we never commit before codereview
2011-04-22 13:12 <albertca> bechamel: yes, just found that, thanks
2011-04-22 13:13 <albertca> and what about removing a codereview issue, is that possible?
2011-04-22 13:13 <bechamel> albertca: you can only close it
2011-04-22 13:15 <albertca> bechamel: there's a delete option, indeed
2011-04-22 13:16 <albertca> sorry I'm new to everything, from mercurial to tryton :D
2011-04-22 13:16 <bechamel> albertca: no problem, then channel is made for this
2011-04-22 13:20 <albertca> by the way, how do you handle *.pyc files
2011-04-22 13:20 <albertca> I'm used to using .gitignore and there's .hgignore AFAIK
2011-04-22 13:20 <albertca> but why are not them in the repository?
2011-04-22 13:21 <bechamel> albertca: add "ignore = ~/.hgignore" in the [ui] section of ~/.hgrc
2011-04-22 13:21 -!- okko(~okko@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 13:21 <bechamel> and in .hgignore you can add "syntax: glob\n*.elc\n*.pyc", etc
2011-04-22 13:25 <albertca> bechamel: will do that, thanks!
2011-04-22 13:33 -!- okko(~okko@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 13:49 -!- Cazou(~Cazou@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 14:04 -!- elbenfreund( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 14:10 -!- chrue( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 14:42 -!- chrue( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 15:13 -!- albertca( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 15:23 <nicoe> albertca: I created a mercurial extension to publish on a rietveld instance from the command line
2011-04-22 15:23 <nicoe> This extension tracks the issue_id so you don't have to remember it
2011-04-22 15:24 <nicoe>
2011-04-22 15:34 -!- okko(~okko@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 16:04 -!- alimon(~alimon@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 16:25 -!- rhubner( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 16:46 -!- alimon(~alimon@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 17:18 -!- pjstevns( has left #tryton
2011-04-22 17:38 -!- elbenfreund( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 18:56 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 19:23 -!- rhubner( has left #tryton
2011-04-22 19:29 -!- Vladimirek( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 19:57 -!- okko( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 20:28 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 20:28 -!- chrue( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 20:55 -!- okko( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 21:23 -!- bechamel( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 21:33 -!- ikks(~ikks@ has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 21:34 -!- okko( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 21:50 -!- rhubner( has joined #tryton
2011-04-22 21:54 -!- curlynostrill(~curlynost@ has joined #tryton

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