IRC logs of #tryton for Saturday, 2011-11-19 #tryton log beginning Sat Nov 19 00:00:01 CET 2011
2011-11-19 00:10 <cedk> sphinx support translation by default:
2011-11-19 00:11 <nicoe> I wonder how sphinx splits the token for translation
2011-11-19 00:11 <nicoe> "Every single element in the doctree will end up in a single message"
2011-11-19 00:11 <nicoe> what does that mean ?
2011-11-19 00:12 <cedk> nicoe: I guess it is all text not separated by an empty line
2011-11-19 00:12 <cedk> and I hope :-)
2011-11-19 00:13 <nicoe> I am afraid that a "**test**" would be also a singe element
2011-11-19 00:14 <bechamel> nicoe: I think the rst lexer is a bit smarter than this
2011-11-19 00:15 <bechamel> nicoe: I just checked some generated html and the <p> tags are set correctly
2011-11-19 00:15 <cedk> ACTION trying sphinx translation
2011-11-19 00:17 <nicoe> I tried with rst2pseudoxml and it works as I expected
2011-11-19 00:18 <nicoe> It splitted the emphasis part from the other element of the paragraph
2011-11-19 00:18 <nicoe> That's a bit stupid (and according to the man I saw the doctree)
2011-11-19 00:19 <cedk> it looks like what I said
2011-11-19 00:19 <cedk> so you get just one block to translate par paragraph
2011-11-19 00:20 <cedk> you don't get the "========"
2011-11-19 00:20 <cedk> but you have the ":ref:`genindex`"
2011-11-19 00:20 <cedk> you don't get the comments
2011-11-19 00:20 <nicoe> But the phrase like "I am *just* a test" ?
2011-11-19 00:20 <nicoe> Is it one piece or three ?
2011-11-19 00:21 <cedk> one piece
2011-11-19 00:21 <nicoe> Nice then
2011-11-19 00:21 <cedk> so that's means translator should be careful to respect the syntax
2011-11-19 00:21 <nicoe> It kinda contradict the output of rst2pseudoxml but that's more clever
2011-11-19 00:21 <bechamel> to bad for the :ref:`genindex`
2011-11-19 00:22 <nicoe> Yes but sometimes in translation you can not put the emphasis on the same words but only on the same concept
2011-11-19 00:22 <cedk> but you don't get the bullets :-)
2011-11-19 00:23 <nicoe> And the syntax is simple so I guess that they will learn it quite quickly
2011-11-19 00:23 <cedk> nicoe: yes, the only issue is that translator need to test before commiting
2011-11-19 00:23 <cedk> nicoe: because they can break the syntax and then sphinx will not compile
2011-11-19 00:26 <cedk> so one thing less to do for the website :-)
2011-11-19 00:43 <mdmyr> grasbauer: are you working in product variants ¿?
2011-11-19 00:45 <marc05> is anyone working in product variants ¿?
2011-11-19 00:46 <grasbauer> yes
2011-11-19 00:46 <cedk> marc05:
2011-11-19 00:47 <marc05> great
2011-11-19 00:49 <grasbauer> needs the function field for concatenate the many2many ;)
2011-11-19 00:50 <marc05> so it is not working like a wizard to define variants
2011-11-19 00:50 <grasbauer> we lost in discussions about PEP8 ;) - I'm more PUNK71
2011-11-19 00:52 <grasbauer> marc05: there is an button on product.template to generate all possible variants according attributes set on the templates
2011-11-19 00:53 <marc05> good, maybe i can try it later
2011-11-19 01:11 -!- grasbauer( has left #tryton
2011-11-19 10:53 <zxq9> Strange. I am getting the "Incompatible version of the server" message -- but only when connecting from a remote client. A local client connects fine. Same version on both machines, even when firewall turned off.
2011-11-19 10:55 <udono> zxq9: Which version?
2011-11-19 10:56 <zxq9> 2.1, a Mercurial clone from about 3 days before it started being called 2.2
2011-11-19 10:57 <zxq9> I'm going to try a new download tar of 2.2 and see if the same thing happens.
2011-11-19 11:08 <cedk> new proposal for the main page:
2011-11-19 11:08 <zxq9> Odd. Running it from a user-owned directory gives "Could not connect to the server". Running from a group-owned directory gives "Incompatible version of the server" to the same server.
2011-11-19 11:09 <zxq9> Do any ports on the client need to be opened?
2011-11-19 11:17 <sisalp> cedk: about elveos, what is the situation on VAT ? I 'm afraid you won't get the amount indicated
2011-11-19 11:23 <zxq9> I can at least get a response (an error message) if I activate and try to connect to xmlrpc. jsonrpc isn't responding to the client request at all.
2011-11-19 11:23 <cedk> sisalp: good question, normally they will provide us an invoice with the VAT number of B2CK
2011-11-19 11:24 <cedk> sisalp: oops, that's for the contributors
2011-11-19 11:24 <cedk> sisalp: for us, I guess we will invoice it without VAT because it is a service in intracom
2011-11-19 11:26 <udono> zxq9: sorry, no idea
2011-11-19 11:26 <zxq9> udono: Ever seen this: No JSON object could be decoded (connecting to xmlrpc)
2011-11-19 11:28 <udono> zxq9: No
2011-11-19 11:29 <zxq9> Is there any documentation on the trytond.conf file that might shed some light on this or give me new directions to troubleshoot?
2011-11-19 11:30 <bechamel> zxq9: first thing to do is check if the port is open
2011-11-19 11:30 <bechamel> zxq9: the end of the server should contains: INFO:server:starting JSON-RPC protocol on localhost:8000
2011-11-19 11:30 <zxq9> Done. Actually overdone. iptables is off (first thing I thought too)
2011-11-19 11:31 <zxq9> benchamel: Server says that, yes. And local connection is no problem.
2011-11-19 11:31 <bechamel> zxq9: test number 2:
2011-11-19 11:32 <zxq9> exact same
2011-11-19 11:34 <bechamel> zxq9: then if you create a db from the client nothing append ?
2011-11-19 11:34 <zxq9> From a client on the local machine everything works fine. I cannot connect to begin database creation from a remote client.
2011-11-19 11:35 <bechamel> zxq9: on which ip the server is listening ?
2011-11-19 11:35 <zxq9>
2011-11-19 11:35 <zxq9> ping via hostname or IP works fine.
2011-11-19 11:35 <zxq9> SSH is fine, and the machines share over NFS also. So there is not a network problem here.
2011-11-19 11:36 <cedk> bechamel: new proposal for the main page:
2011-11-19 11:36 <zxq9> The version of client software is identical.
2011-11-19 11:36 <bechamel> zxq9: and the nc test from remote host ?
2011-11-19 11:37 <bechamel> cedk: the "finance it" should be white
2011-11-19 11:38 <bechamel> cedk: and the hline cross the button
2011-11-19 11:38 <bechamel> cedk: appart from that is far better than the previous one
2011-11-19 11:39 <cedk> bechamel: fixed
2011-11-19 11:40 <zxq9> nc to port 8000 gives me nothing. No response at all from remote.
2011-11-19 11:40 <zxq9> nc to 8069 gives me the correct response from the XML-RPC port, but that isn't working for connections.
2011-11-19 11:41 <zxq9> For some reason I can't connect to JSON-RPC... :-S
2011-11-19 11:41 <zxq9> Is there anything that would permit local JSON-RPC and forbid remote JSON-RPC?
2011-11-19 11:41 <bechamel> zxq9: another way to troubleshoot is to launch "python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000" on the server machine
2011-11-19 11:41 <bechamel> and see if nc can connect
2011-11-19 11:42 <zxq9> Yes, this works fine.
2011-11-19 11:42 <cedk> ACTION I hate HTML
2011-11-19 11:42 <zxq9> I hate XML also.
2011-11-19 11:43 <zxq9> And I really hate when (XML + HTML + AJAX = New dev platform!) in the eyes of 1st year CS students.
2011-11-19 11:44 <zxq9> Who become huge software marketing executives later...
2011-11-19 11:44 <bechamel> ACTION smile
2011-11-19 11:44 <bechamel> zxq9: then try to put in the trytond config
2011-11-19 11:45 <zxq9> As hostname or jsonrpc setting in place of "localhost"?
2011-11-19 11:46 <cedk> bechamel: I don't know why this *fucking* is to high
2011-11-19 11:46 <bechamel> zxq9: jsonrpc
2011-11-19 11:46 <zxq9> benchamel: This worked.
2011-11-19 11:46 <zxq9> Why did this work?
2011-11-19 11:46 <zxq9> benchamel: And THANK YOU!
2011-11-19 11:46 <bechamel> zxq9: when trytond open the port he used those params
2011-11-19 11:46 <bechamel> zxq9: after that it's just the way socket works
2011-11-19 11:47 <zxq9> Why does using the actual hostname not work to open remote connection?
2011-11-19 11:47 <bechamel> zxq9: this is obvious one you realized that a same server can respond to several ip
2011-11-19 11:47 <bechamel> through different nic or not
2011-11-19 11:47 <zxq9> yes
2011-11-19 11:48 <zxq9> it is just something I didn't think of because I'm not using a cluster or KVM or anything.
2011-11-19 11:48 <zxq9> but I have never used like this before.
2011-11-19 11:48 <udono> zxq9: I guess because of your LANG setting in environment.
2011-11-19 11:48 <udono> zxq9: :-)
2011-11-19 11:49 <zxq9> hmmm... I need to look into this. Of course these systems are ja_JP-UTF.8, so... hehe
2011-11-19 11:49 <udono> ACTION never good to scroll up and answer old questions...
2011-11-19 11:49 <bechamel> zxq9: when i asked you on which ip the server is listening, I was talking about this config value, I should have been more precise
2011-11-19 11:49 <zxq9> oic
2011-11-19 11:50 <zxq9> You've helped me a lot walking me through your troubleshooting.
2011-11-19 11:51 <bechamel> cedk: add a "min-height: 300" to .elveos-compact-feature in the css to see if it helps
2011-11-19 11:52 <cedk> bechamel: done
2011-11-19 11:52 <bechamel> cedk: so it's the right thing to do
2011-11-19 11:52 <bechamel> cedk: just fine tweak the value
2011-11-19 11:53 <bechamel> I have to go, bye
2011-11-19 11:55 <cedk> bechamel: done
2011-11-19 12:26 <sisalp> cedk: you asked two days ago about the 0 price when ordering a free service, then left before I anwered
2011-11-19 12:27 <sisalp> cedk: the answer is that I can put a non 0 price because I don't make any invoice later (Manual)
2011-11-19 12:29 <sisalp> cedk: the webshop is ok with 0 prices
2011-11-19 12:30 <cedk> sisalp: I think it can then be managed without the Manual option, if sale doesn't create invoice line for line with price 0
2011-11-19 12:31 <yangoon> cedk: I think invoice lines with price 0 should be created
2011-11-19 12:31 <sisalp> some times we need a 0 pro-format invoice, we still have the limitation
2011-11-19 12:31 <yangoon> you could need/want them to inform the customer
2011-11-19 12:32 <sisalp> cedk: I remember this 0 value was already discussed. What was the conclusion ?
2011-11-19 12:32 <yangoon> sisalp: it should be possible
2011-11-19 13:49 <albertca> Thinking about full text search discussion we had on TUL...
2011-11-19 13:49 <albertca> I think performance would be very bad if we try to fill in the field from the orm
2011-11-19 13:50 <cedk> Timitos: about issue2233, I'm thinking if it is not linked to translation
2011-11-19 13:50 <albertca> because we should read the record on every write operation
2011-11-19 13:51 <cedk> albertca: any way, for me the idea of a rec_name fulltext search is not very good
2011-11-19 13:52 <Timitos> cedk: for the moment i do not have any idea about the reason. i need to debug it step by step.
2011-11-19 13:52 <albertca> maybe we should keep it like Koo, in which fts is an "extra" feature
2011-11-19 13:52 <cedk> albertca: there is 2 things:
2011-11-19 13:53 <cedk> albertca: 1 - searching in a natural way
2011-11-19 13:53 <cedk> albertca: 2 - searching for any kind of record
2011-11-19 13:53 <albertca> cedk: I agree
2011-11-19 13:54 <cedk> albertca: I think 1 is the first to fix
2011-11-19 13:55 <cedk> albertca: and this should be done with trigram index to speed ilike search
2011-11-19 13:55 <albertca> cedk: yes, the other one is an "extra" feature
2011-11-19 13:55 <albertca> cedk: we must keep in mind that trigram index will probably be slower
2011-11-19 13:55 <cedk> albertca: slower than what?
2011-11-19 13:56 <albertca> cedk: so it should be used only when necessary: not for stock moves for example
2011-11-19 13:56 <albertca> cedk: than normal indexes or no index
2011-11-19 13:56 <albertca> cedk: slower to build, I mean :)
2011-11-19 13:57 <cedk> albertca: ok, I think it is just for Char/Text fields that have select=True
2011-11-19 13:57 <cedk> albertca: I think also about reference field where there is often search like 'model_name,%'
2011-11-19 13:58 <albertca> cedk: how do you want to solve that?
2011-11-19 13:59 <cedk> albertca: just improve TableHandler to add trg index on such fields
2011-11-19 14:00 <albertca> cedk: I mean, the reference field, issue
2011-11-19 14:00 <albertca> cedk: I think I get the problem you mean
2011-11-19 14:01 <cedk> albertca: I'm not sure, we need to check but I'm wondering if postgresql could not use btree index for this kind
2011-11-19 14:02 <albertca> cedk: It rings a bell to me, that latest PostgreSQL versions are capable of optimize 'start with' operations in like without the trigram index
2011-11-19 14:02 <albertca> cedk: after all, if the index is a sorted tree, it should be a relatively fast operation
2011-11-19 14:02 <cedk> albertca: I think I had read something like that
2011-11-19 15:52 <Timitos> cedk: about issue 2233: it looks like a dirty cache. the LRUDict looks very weird after a few accounts has been created. but i am not yet on the bottom of the problem
2011-11-19 15:55 <cedk> Timitos: which Python version?
2011-11-19 15:56 <Timitos> cedk: 2.6.6
2011-11-19 15:57 <cedk> Timitos: so it should be the backport of ordereddict in trytond/tools/
2011-11-19 15:57 <cedk> Timitos: as I don't have the issue with Python2.7
2011-11-19 15:57 <cedk> Timitos: I will make a try
2011-11-19 16:00 <Timitos> cedk: yes i think that it is related to the LRUDict, too. I will continue my research
2011-11-19 16:05 <Timitos> cedk: could be also something which is related to a problem with LRUDict an parent<->child concept
2011-11-19 16:23 <cedk> Timitos: run with the bacport OrderedDict and no issue
2011-11-19 16:32 <Timitos> cedk: i have things like this in the LRUDict: (810, {'create_uid': {}, 'type': {}, 'parent': {}})
2011-11-19 16:33 <Timitos> i think this should not happen? am i right?
2011-11-19 16:34 <cedk> Timitos: no
2011-11-19 16:34 <cedk> Timitos: but what are you printing?
2011-11-19 16:34 <Timitos> cedk: i am printing self._local_data of a BrowseRecord
2011-11-19 16:39 <cedk> Timitos: have you a language activate on your database?
2011-11-19 16:40 <Timitos> cedk: german and english. admin user is set to german
2011-11-19 16:44 <cedk> Timitos: ok, I really thing the setLang is breaking something
2011-11-19 16:45 <Timitos> cedk: can you reproduce it?
2011-11-19 16:46 <Timitos> cedk: could be this line:
2011-11-19 16:47 <cedk> Timitos: I setup a DB right now
2011-11-19 16:48 <cedk> Timitos: normally this line set just an empty dict for a record
2011-11-19 16:59 <Timitos> cedk: self._local_data does not have the model dict layer but self._cache has it
2011-11-19 16:59 <cedk> Timitos: what do you mean?
2011-11-19 17:01 <Timitos> cedk: self._cache dict structure is cache[model][record] and self._local_data dict structure is local_data[record]
2011-11-19 17:01 <Timitos> cedk: i think this is the reason for the wrong values in self._local_data
2011-11-19 17:01 <cedk> Timitos: seems you are right
2011-11-19 17:02 <cedk> Timitos: ok can reproduce it now
2011-11-19 17:02 <cedk> Timitos: so it is clearly the language
2011-11-19 17:02 <Timitos> cedk: yes
2011-11-19 17:04 <cedk> Timitos: I think I have a patch
2011-11-19 17:05 <Timitos> cedk: that sound great :-)
2011-11-19 17:15 <cedk> Timitos: submitted
2011-11-19 17:57 <Telesight> For those interested:
2011-11-19 17:57 <Telesight> A new subject is available:
2011-11-19 17:57 <Telesight> Workshop result Production module.
2011-11-19 17:57 <Telesight> See:
2011-11-19 18:16 <Telesight> And another subject
2011-11-19 18:16 <Telesight> Email integration. See:
2011-11-19 19:24 <Telesight> For those that are interested: Video OLAP integration is available. See the wiki.
2011-11-19 21:38 <Telesight> Ok all the video's of friday TUL2011 are on the Wiki now, nothing more to add.
2011-11-19 21:39 <cedk> Telesight: do you plan to upload also on vimeo?
2011-11-19 21:42 <Telesight> cedk; That is possible, only a lot of work and the upload limit of Vimeo gives a delay.
2011-11-19 23:29 -!- Telesight( has left #tryton

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