IRC logs of #tryton for Monday, 2014-11-03 #tryton log beginning Mon Nov 3 00:00:01 CET 2014
2014-11-03 00:18 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 00:28 -!- swayf( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 00:53 -!- smarro(~sebastian@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 01:29 -!- swayf( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 02:21 -!- newzen(~newzen@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 02:30 -!- newzen(~newzen@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 03:00 -!- sharoonthomas(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 05:33 -!- sharoonthomas(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 05:54 -!- sharoonthomas(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 06:02 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 06:08 -!- swayf( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 06:40 -!- frispete_( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 06:47 -!- sharoonthomas_(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 07:37 -!- pobsteta( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 08:22 -!- swayf( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 08:45 -!- corro(~corro@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 08:46 -!- grasbauer( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 08:57 -!- pobsteta1(~Thunderbi@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:04 -!- pobsteta( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:10 -!- jeancavallo1( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:10 -!- jeancavallo( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:15 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:31 -!- jeancavallo( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:32 -!- vcardon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:32 -!- bechamel( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:42 -!- pokoli(~pokoli@unaffiliated/pokoli) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:47 -!- sharoonthomas_(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 09:54 -!- sharoonthomas_(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 10:27 -!- LordVan(~LordVan@gentoo/developer/LordVan) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 10:36 -!- swayf(~swayf@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 11:32 -!- prksh(~prksh@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 11:33 -!- prksh(~prksh@ has left #tryton
2014-11-03 11:36 -!- frispete( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 11:40 -!- LiberTango(~libertang@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 11:40 <LiberTango> Hi !
2014-11-03 11:41 <LiberTango> i want to build saas CRM service backend by tryton
2014-11-03 11:41 <LiberTango> with a webclient
2014-11-03 11:42 <LiberTango> i see that exist tryton flask and nereid
2014-11-03 11:42 <LiberTango> what is best ?
2014-11-03 11:43 <LiberTango> an alternative for flask tryton using django exist ?
2014-11-03 11:43 -!- mariomop( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 11:43 <grasbauer> LiberTango:
2014-11-03 11:43 -!- munron(~AndChat68@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 11:44 <LiberTango> trytond-django duplicate the model in django orm
2014-11-03 11:44 <LiberTango> and dont permit using tryton orm directly from django
2014-11-03 11:44 <LiberTango> am i right ?
2014-11-03 11:44 <grasbauer> LiberTango: looks like this
2014-11-03 11:45 <LiberTango> do you have a sample of application using trytond-django
2014-11-03 11:45 <LiberTango> to see how exactly i can use it
2014-11-03 11:46 <grasbauer> LiberTango: no - we are using a zope-based CMS which connects to tryton orm directly
2014-11-03 11:47 <LiberTango> do you have a sample
2014-11-03 11:47 <LiberTango> of code
2014-11-03 11:48 <LiberTango> to do that
2014-11-03 11:50 <grasbauer> LiberTango: mostly it is using the idea of which is a very simple example of a connection
2014-11-03 11:50 <LiberTango> THANK YOU VERY MUCH
2014-11-03 11:54 -!- LiberTango(~libertang@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 13:04 -!- kstenger(~karla@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 13:07 -!- sharoonthomas(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 13:11 -!- prksh(~prksh@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 13:48 -!- smarro(~sebastian@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 13:49 -!- munron(~AndChat68@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 13:54 -!- oscar__(~oscar@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 13:54 <oscar__> Hi, I need help using field selection descriptor on reports
2014-11-03 13:55 <oscar__> on reports only way for get translated field on reports is with next
2014-11-03 13:55 <oscar__> obj.__class__.state.translated().__get__(obj, obj.__class__)
2014-11-03 13:56 <oscar__> so to exist any way for short it?
2014-11-03 13:57 <cedk> oscar__: yes create a field using the descriptor
2014-11-03 14:00 -!- TheCowboy`( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 14:02 <oscar__> cedk: sorry, I dont understand; must I add new field on my model?
2014-11-03 14:02 <cedk> oscar__: yes
2014-11-03 14:03 <cedk> oscar__: I mean an attribute constructed by the descriptor
2014-11-03 14:06 <oscar__> Ok, thanks
2014-11-03 14:08 -!- digitalsatori(~Thunderbi@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 14:09 <cedk> oscar__: we will probably decide of a guide line for such field when someone will start working use it for all reports
2014-11-03 14:13 <oscar__> cedk: Would be nice, it works without need a new field on current models ¿There is possible in the future?
2014-11-03 14:18 <cedk> oscar__: no
2014-11-03 14:31 -!- munron(~AndChat68@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 14:36 -!- pablovannini( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 14:38 -!- sharoonthomas(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 14:42 -!- LiberTango(~libertang@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 14:42 <LiberTango> hi !
2014-11-03 14:43 <LiberTango> what is recommended by they tryton community
2014-11-03 14:43 <LiberTango> using nereid or tryton-flask ?
2014-11-03 14:44 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: what do you want to build ?
2014-11-03 14:44 <LiberTango> i want to build a crm
2014-11-03 14:44 <LiberTango> with a social network
2014-11-03 14:44 <LiberTango> like salesforce
2014-11-03 14:45 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: and the users would be tryton users or outside users who do not need access to the ERP ? like customers/suppliers ?
2014-11-03 14:45 <LiberTango> and it need to bee really scalable
2014-11-03 14:46 <LiberTango> users will be tryton users
2014-11-03 14:47 <LiberTango> who need to access the erp
2014-11-03 14:47 <LiberTango> for crm transactions
2014-11-03 14:47 <cedk> LiberTango: Tryton has already CRM
2014-11-03 14:48 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: perhaps what you need is neither but a javascript application which directly talks to tryton's JSON-RPC
2014-11-03 14:49 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: see
2014-11-03 14:49 <Pilou> LiberTango: an interesting about frameworks:
2014-11-03 14:49 <LiberTango> i know but i need a web client with a social network for the sales team and the crm
2014-11-03 14:49 <LiberTango> like openerp
2014-11-03 14:50 <LiberTango> an email gateway and sms gateway
2014-11-03 14:50 <cedk> LiberTango: define "social network" ?
2014-11-03 14:50 <LiberTango> social network like facebook
2014-11-03 14:50 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: the openerp web interface works that way... its just a pretty javascript application that works off your browser and talks to the openerp server over RPC
2014-11-03 14:50 <cedk> LiberTango: so use facebook
2014-11-03 14:51 -!- nicoe(~nicoe@2001:6f8:3aa:2:ee55:f9ff:fe7b:f7ac) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 14:51 <LiberTango> a private social network
2014-11-03 14:51 <LiberTango> for the sales team
2014-11-03 14:51 <LiberTango> where they can share best practices
2014-11-03 14:51 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: that being said here is a case study of Graduit Network - where we built a private social network over nereid
2014-11-03 14:52 <LiberTango> marketing materials
2014-11-03 14:53 <LiberTango> yes it seems to be a good solution
2014-11-03 14:54 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: you can use a lot of the existing modules nereid has including the redis powered chat
2014-11-03 14:54 <LiberTango> and how much cost nereid ?
2014-11-03 14:54 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: Free :)
2014-11-03 14:55 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango:
2014-11-03 14:55 <LiberTango> how much cost a team of 5 good developers who can build my saas crm
2014-11-03 14:55 <LiberTango> with nereid ?
2014-11-03 14:55 <LiberTango> in 2 months
2014-11-03 14:56 <sharoonthomas> LiberTango: I work at Openlabs, I will send you our contact information and take yours on private chat
2014-11-03 15:08 -!- pobsteta( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 15:15 -!- vernichon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 15:22 -!- vernichon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 15:23 -!- munron(~AndChat68@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 16:06 -!- unicode2013( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 16:12 -!- digitalsatori(~Thunderbi@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 16:13 -!- horli( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 16:13 -!- horli( has left #tryton
2014-11-03 16:38 -!- woakas1( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 16:49 -!- munron(~AndChat68@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 17:37 -!- Telesight( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 17:50 -!- vernichon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 17:53 -!- newzen(~newzen@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 18:11 -!- TheCowboy`( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 18:26 -!- pobsteta( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 18:36 -!- sharoonthomas(~sharoonth@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 19:17 -!- vcardon( has left #tryton
2014-11-03 19:28 -!- martynushka(~martynush@unaffiliated/martynushka) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 19:54 -!- martynushka(~martynush@unaffiliated/martynushka) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 20:01 -!- vernichon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 20:13 -!- cjbarnes18( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 20:22 -!- smarro(~sebastian@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 20:36 -!- swayf( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 20:52 -!- vernichon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 21:00 -!- vernichon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 21:04 -!- vernichon( has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 21:55 -!- digitalsatori(~Thunderbi@ has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 22:37 -!- martynushka(~martynush@unaffiliated/martynushka) has joined #tryton
2014-11-03 23:02 -!- TheCowboy`( has joined #tryton

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