IRC logs of #tryton for Friday, 2010-12-03 #tryton log beginning Fri Dec 3 00:00:03 CET 2010
2010-12-03 00:06 -!- heg( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 00:08 -!- pheller( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 00:09 -!- pheller( has left #tryton
2010-12-03 00:30 <plantian> The api for receiving a form in a wizard seems to have changed. Is there a place that talks about 'add' versus 'create' for things in the tree view?
2010-12-03 00:34 <plantian> -- the first one is the new one I guess
2010-12-03 00:42 <plantian> weird, actually it seems that if no adds are given then an empty entry is sent whereas before it was not
2010-12-03 00:58 -!- ikks(~ikks@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 03:21 -!- gremly(~gremly@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 05:06 -!- zodman(~zodman@foresight/developer/zodman) has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 05:20 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 06:13 -!- FWiesing( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 08:27 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 08:48 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 08:54 -!- yoriksar(~Adium@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 08:55 <yoriksar> Hello, everyone.
2010-12-03 08:55 <yoriksar> Does anyone know if Tryton has had any localizations for life in Russia?
2010-12-03 08:57 <udono> yoriksar: Hello, see here:
2010-12-03 08:58 -!- GasbaKid(~GasbaKid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 08:59 <yoriksar> I actually meant not localization as translation, but localization as adaptation to Russian needs
2010-12-03 09:02 <udono> yoriksar: we had this discussion ... but we all had problems to understand each other because of language.
2010-12-03 09:04 -!- pjstevns( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 09:04 <udono> yoriksar: maybe you like to start a discussion on tryton google-groups and explain the needs in Russia.
2010-12-03 09:07 <yoriksar> We're looking for suitable replacement for Adempiere for our clients. Things that are really needed is russian business documents' forms.
2010-12-03 09:08 <udono> yoriksar: which business documents' forms they need?
2010-12-03 09:09 <yoriksar> I've read through that issue. As I understand, SilverFox was creating something for OpenERP, not for Tryton...
2010-12-03 09:12 <yoriksar> For example, Invoice (счет-фактура), Waybill (товарно-транспортная накладная)
2010-12-03 09:13 <yoriksar> I've got these translations from Wikipedia article matches, so they may be not too accurate
2010-12-03 09:15 <udono> yoriksar: so you need translated reports?
2010-12-03 09:17 <udono> yoriksar: Try to generate an invoice with Tryton and choose Russian as language for the Party. Then the report is/should be printed in Russian language.
2010-12-03 09:19 <udono> yoriksar: Waybill could you possibly find starting points in sale or purchase Module.
2010-12-03 09:19 <yoriksar> udono: The main need is in registration of basic documents, not in reports. And there is some differences in Russian forms and documents, not only translation.
2010-12-03 09:21 <udono> yoriksar: yes, the same is with germany where I stay. The modules in Tryton are very general/generic, so you can extend them to your needs
2010-12-03 09:26 <udono> yoriksar: But first it is important to know exactly what you need.
2010-12-03 09:26 <yoriksar> udono: Thanks for your time. I think, we should play a bit more with Tryton by ourselves and measure efforts needed to start integrate it. May be, we'll even start russian community (which is really hard to do with Adempiere)
2010-12-03 09:28 <udono> yoriksar: sudowolfstviem :-)
2010-12-03 09:30 <udono> ACTION meant с удовольствием
2010-12-03 09:34 -!- paepke( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 09:37 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 09:37 -!- nicoe(~nicoe@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 09:51 -!- trifon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 10:06 -!- sharoon(~sharoon@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 10:07 <sharoon> cedk: ping
2010-12-03 10:08 -!- bechamel( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 10:08 <cedk> sharoon: did you check the patch to get scenario in unittest framework?
2010-12-03 10:09 <sharoon> cedk: nope, i tried thenm separately using python -m doctest -v <scenario>
2010-12-03 10:12 -!- paepke( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 10:30 -!- yoriksar(~Adium@ has left #tryton
2010-12-03 10:51 -!- paepke( has left #tryton
2010-12-03 11:10 -!- vladimir_(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 11:59 -!- dba(~daniel@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 12:19 -!- dba(~daniel@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 13:03 -!- paepke( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 13:31 -!- ikks(~ikks@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 13:58 -!- trifon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 15:21 -!- gremly(~gremly@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 16:39 -!- chrue( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 16:46 -!- vladimir_(~vladimir@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 18:46 -!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 18:48 -!- paepke( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 19:02 -!- trifon( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 21:57 -!- GasbaKid(~GasbaKid@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 22:07 -!- zodman(~andres-va@ has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 22:25 <plantian> has anyone seen an error like this -- -- ?
2010-12-03 22:28 <cedk> plantian: I think you got wrong arguments number
2010-12-03 22:30 <plantian> yeah that is what i looked for but i do not see any problem
2010-12-03 22:30 <plantian> the original create call seems to have the correct number of arguments
2010-12-03 22:30 <plantian> I must have some other intermediary method of somesort that breaks context?
2010-12-03 22:30 <cedk> plantian: which version of Tryton?
2010-12-03 22:31 <plantian> I am trying to use 1.6 now.
2010-12-03 22:34 <cedk> plantian: need to see: /home/ian/workspace/laspilitas-project/busysignal/busysignal/model/", line 79, in create
2010-12-03 22:37 <plantian>
2010-12-03 22:38 <plantian> cedk: I have a wrapper so that I don't have to include the cursor and user over and over.
2010-12-03 22:38 -!- paepke( has left #tryton
2010-12-03 22:39 -!- heg( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 22:39 <plantian> Seems that call should resolve to obj.create(cursor, user, values) where obj is the actual product object fetched from the pool.
2010-12-03 22:39 <yangoon> plantian: line 25 obpj. ?
2010-12-03 22:41 <cedk> plantian: put some print statement to know what is context
2010-12-03 22:42 <plantian> cedk: I have some in now. It is running. It takes a long time to get to the point where it doesn't work.
2010-12-03 22:42 <plantian> yangoon: Looks like my use of emacs is injecting errors again, thanks.
2010-12-03 22:45 <cedk> plantian: are you sure you are running 1.6 and not 1.8 ?
2010-12-03 22:45 <plantian> cedk: Pretty sure, everything with cursor, user and context in the method definition would fail right ? I did hg nclone http://..../1.6/trytond to get the repo.
2010-12-03 22:47 -!- pheller( has joined #tryton
2010-12-03 22:47 <cedk> plantian: ok, so I guess as you don't seem to use context in your calls that it is values that is used as context
2010-12-03 22:47 <cedk> plantian: so it should have somewhere a offset with args
2010-12-03 22:48 <plantian>
2010-12-03 22:54 <plantian> cedk: print statement results are in but maybe in the wrong spot --
2010-12-03 22:55 <plantian> cedk:
2010-12-03 22:58 <cedk> plantian: but where is the print for the wrong value?
2010-12-03 22:58 <plantian> (<trytond.backend.postgresql.database.Cursor object at 0x486c150>, 1L, ([],), {})
2010-12-03 22:58 <plantian> ([],) should be ()
2010-12-03 22:59 <plantian> so *([],) becomes an empty list as a positional argument to default_purchasable which gets treated as the context
2010-12-03 22:59 <plantian> here is statement -- log.debug("Calling getattr with %s, %s" % (str((model_obj, name)), str((cursor, user, args, kwargs))))
2010-12-03 23:01 <plantian> oh sorry
2010-12-03 23:01 <plantian> both debug statements are in trytond/model/
2010-12-03 23:02 <cedk> plantian: where is the wrong call?
2010-12-03 23:04 <plantian> Seems to be return getattr(model_obj, name)(cursor, user, *args, **kwargs) in def __getattr__ in Model class.
2010-12-03 23:05 <cedk> plantian: but this is no revelant, you must know the upper level
2010-12-03 23:09 <plantian> cedk: You mean modelsql: ModelSQL.create? I will put in more debug statements to check inputs there.
2010-12-03 23:18 <cedk> plantian: I'm thinking that it could be something wrong with the *args/**kwargs stuffs
2010-12-03 23:18 <vladimir_> Inside .read function i would like to modify the object. When I use .write I see datas in clent (in tree view), but nothing is written to DB. I try update directly via Transaction().cursor/execute, but no luck. When the function is called via client/save prosess all is done. It is read only type of cursor used in tree view or what ?
2010-12-03 23:20 <cedk> vladimir_: yes only some rpc calls are committed
2010-12-03 23:21 <cedk> plantian: or put a context on your calls
2010-12-03 23:26 <vladimir_> ced: Thanks a lot . "self._rpc['read']=True" solved the problem.
2010-12-03 23:34 <plantian> cedk: I think I see the problem and it is with regard to *args and **kwargs.
2010-12-03 23:36 <plantian> value[field] = self._defaults[field](cursor, user, context) should be value[field] = self._defaults[field](cursor, user, context=context) so that context is not passed as positional argument to func
2010-12-03 23:36 <cedk> plantian: I don't think it is that
2010-12-03 23:36 <plantian> Looks like it might be a subtle bug.
2010-12-03 23:37 <plantian> I'm pretty sure that's it but I will test it.
2010-12-03 23:41 <cedk> plantian: yes it will perhaps fix it but the issue is somewhere else in the design
2010-12-03 23:41 <cedk> plantian: of the default value from inherited models
2010-12-03 23:45 <plantian> cedk: -- func receives context as arg and thinks its ids, apparently the reduce line evaluates to True when ids = {} which converts ids to [].
2010-12-03 23:46 <plantian> I think, I don't konw, I will test more.

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