IRC logs of #tryton for Wednesday, 2021-03-24 #tryton log beginning Wed Mar 24 12:00:01 AM CET 2021
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton23:31
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LordVanjust a question about manual invoices/delivery notes10:42
LordVanis there a way to generate those from a sale with delivery/invoice set to manual with some sort of wizard or so (maybe in an extra module) that i missed?10:42
LordVan-- otherwise the plan is to write one10:42
pokoliLordVan: no but it should not be complex. Just modifying the method and processing the sale should create the related documents10:45
LordVanpokoli, yeah i have looked at the code for that10:45
LordVani just need to make sure it works the way I need it (also need partial delivery notes and possibly invoices later)10:46
pokoliLordVan: why you do not want to use the standard process?10:47
LordVani am not opposed to standard process if I can do delivery notes at the time of my choosing and also partial if needed10:49
nicoeI remember that there is an issue about non printable characters in Char fields but I can not find it on bugs.tryton.org10:49
nicoeDoes this sounds any bell, to anybody ?10:49
LordVannot had this problem tbh10:54
pokolinicoe: we had a user which is copy pasting fields into tryton with lots of space which will benefit from this issue10:54
pokoliLordVan: which is the time of your choosing?10:55
Timitosnicoe: are there any plans to work on this issue before the release of 6.0?10:55
LordVanpokoli, when it'S done and the customer picks it up10:56
Timitosi expect that there will be big issues with 6.0 otherwise10:56
pokoliLordVan: that's what the "On shipment Sent" invoice method does10:57
LordVanpokoli, my problem is10:58
LordVani do not use production10:58
LordVanif i do not set manual it goes straight to that when i confirm10:58
pokoliLordVan: do not understand11:00
LordVanor did I misunderstand something there?11:00
pokoliLordVan: if you do not use production you do not activate it11:00
pokoliLordVan: shipments are created by stock module which is a direct dependency of sale module11:00
LordVanbut how would I decide when to trigger the creation of delivery notes then?11:01
pokoliLordVan: shipment_method is exactly for that11:01
pokoliLordVan: normally the shipment is created when the order is confirmed11:01
pokoliLordVan: but it's created on waiting state, so the user needs to enter which products are really sent to the customer11:02
LordVanyes but I don'T want that11:02
LordVani thought if i set it to do it on"execution" it will create it uatomatically11:02
LordVani need to be able to have the date of the day when it gets picked up not when it was confirmed though11:02
LordVanback in a bit - lunchbreak11:03
pokoliLordVan: no, it just creates the *need* of sending the goods. But they are not really sent until the user performs the manual action11:03
LordVanok then i misunderstood there11:03
LordVani will do more testing11:03
LordVanafk for a bit now though11:03
pokoliLordVan: on the other hand, you will have some availability problems, because if ou do not do productions tryton will not now that the products are available11:03
pokoliLordVan: ok, just ping me once back here so we can continue. Enjoy your meal!11:04
cedkindeed "manual" method should be renamed into "none" and we should allow to change from None to something else later11:22
pokolicedk: you think it should be possible to update it even if the sale is done?11:25
cedkpokoli: yes11:27
pokolicedk: probably the problem will be that the process button is hidden when the sale is done.11:28
cedkTimitos: why should there is big issue if we do not implement something?11:28
cedkpokoli: but the amendment could manage that11:29
pokolicedk: I guess we can add and action to update invoice, shipment method11:30
pokolibut... then we can require to use an ammendment to update the methods11:31
pokoliWe should probably define how it should work, but the idea makes sense for me11:33
Timitoscedk: i fear that many people will have problems with copy+paste from excel after
Timitosi had an issue with a non-zero space in an email address (maybe caused by copy+paste from the web)11:36
Timitosits hard to find issues like that for a normal user11:36
-!- buxy_bak( has left #tryton11:37
cedkTimitos: I do not see it as a problem to detect it earlier, indeed it is an improvement11:42
Timitoscedk: yes. but i fear that this is not enough. i think that triming like porposed in issue7914 would improve the situation a lot11:43
cedkTimitos: in software development it is never enough but it is not a problem as long as it is better than before12:00
LordVanok i'm back now12:04
LordVanreading up on this before connecting to the demo server to check it out12:05
nicoeTimitos: I have a meeting this afternoon where I will talk about that so I'll probably work on it (maybe in time for 6.0)12:05
Timitosnicoe: cool. thx12:06
LordVanpokoli, so you suggest to set shipment method to on order processed and invoice to on shipment sent?12:09
LordVanhm i just treid that but12:16
LordVanwhen i press process nothing happens12:16
LordVanand there is an invoice already (state is processing, invoice state waiting and shipment state none)12:17
pokoliLordVan: It seems you seet the values in the order way arround12:37
pokoliLordVan: because there is no shipment but an invoice12:37
LordVanyes i need both12:45
LordVanbut "on-demand"12:45
LordVanwhat i do not get is12:46
LordVanwhy in that case the processing button does nothing12:46
LordVan(i did not find any proper documentation/examples/howtos how to actually use tryton to process sales with different settings there)12:46
LordVanthat would be a gread idea for a video tutorial maybe12:46
cedkLordVan: for me it looks like you are forgetting about the planned date on shipment and the shipping date on sale12:47
LordVanfor that test just now i did not set that that is true12:47
cedkLordVan: there are almost no point to manually create the shipment12:47
cedkindeed it is the best way to just miss shipment and supply12:48
LordVanwell i need to generate the shipment / delivery note report when the customer come to pick it up - which more often than not differs from the planned date12:48
cedkLordVan: why that does not make sense12:51
cedkLordVan: for the shipment. The delivery note is printed when you click on the print button12:51
LordVanok so the delivery note date is when i press print? that is good.12:51
LordVanwell customer are often late to pick stuff up12:52
LordVanor early12:52
LordVanor pick up part of it early and part later12:52
LordVanin which case i also want the invoice generated (usually) when the order is completely picked up12:52
LordVan(or rather that is a requirement in the specs for me)12:53
cedkLordVan: the date is the one on the record12:53
LordVanso the shipment would be created with planned_date and then the delivery notes would contain that date?12:54
cedkLordVan: read the code of the template12:54
LordVanwas going to do that yes12:54
pokoliLordVan: here is the proposal of sale documentation:
pokoliLordVan: I bet at the end you will end up using most of the standard Tryton workflow12:56
LordVanhm i just created a sale with both invoice and shipment method on order processed and shipping date too12:56
LordVanon confirming it creaes the invoice12:56
pokoliLordVan: of course. The order is processed just after confirming12:56
LordVanpokoli, as I said standard workflow would be preferred if i can meed the specificatsions i have been given12:56
LordVanbut what i do not get12:57
LordVanthere is a"PRocess"button now12:57
LordVanthat does nothing12:57
LordVan(if you want to look sale 64 on the demo5.8)12:57
pokoliLordVan: no need to look, I know how it works :)12:57
cedkLordVan: do not look as admin12:57
LordVanwhy is there a problem as admin?12:58
pokoliLordVan: the process button is there for admin users to re-process the sale in case of error12:58
LordVani was not aware. thanks for the info12:58
LordVanI just remembered something13:00
LordVanfor sale_lines without corresponding product there is no automatic delivery note generation is there?13:00
LordVani just entered a manual sale line with just amount and price nothing else (no product)13:00
LordVanso it would not be able to do any "inventory" moves i guess?13:00
pokoliLordVan: which product do you want to move on the inventory?13:01
LordVanthere is no product13:01
LordVanjust a manual sale line13:01
pokoliLordVan: so there is nothing to move13:01
LordVani had forgotten about that13:01
LordVanbut i want to still make a delivery note for those lines13:01
LordVancuz i have them often13:01
pokoliLordVan: then you need to create a product before processing the sale13:02
LordVannot an option for tens of thousands different one-off products per year13:02
LordVanjust too much administrative work imho13:02
pokoliLordVan: i bet you have some way to identify the product that you should produce13:03
pokoliname, code or something else13:03
LordVannames that are often just generic13:03
LordVanlike "Winkel 01" Winkel 02,.13:03
LordVanthey occur often13:03
LordVanbut are always different13:03
LordVanwould you give an article number to some random piece of metal you cut maybe completely manually from a big sheet?13:04
LordVanthe number of products we make that actually have a unique identifier is rather low compared to the total number of different produts13:05
cedkLordVan: for me you need to have a generic product stored by surface and a lot that describe the properties like dimension etc.13:05
LordVandon'T get me wrong i would gladly use product, ..13:05
LordVancedk, yes that is essentialyl what i am doing13:06
LordVani made a dummy product which contains just some very basic info like tax rates,..13:06
LordVanand then we add extra info to that13:06
LordVanbut obviously there is no actual inventory of that13:06
LordVanso would it not fail to make inventory moves of something generic like that too?13:07
cedkLordVan: it will not fail but it will give nothing interresting as result13:09
LordVanso there is no way to just use sale lines without a product for shipment/delivery notes?13:10
cedkLordVan: for me you must at least create a product for each common properties, probably the type of metal, the thinnes etc.13:10
cedkso at least you can have a surface quantity that means something13:10
LordVanthat would make things quite complicated workflow wise13:10
cedkLordVan: otherwise you will have no stock management at all13:14
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LordVanso stock management is the only way to automatically generate delivery notes .. i see13:14
LordVanbut invoices can get generated from just the sale lines too13:15
LordVani was hoping there was a way13:15
LordVanah wait13:17
LordVanare you saying that without product/stock management i cannot create delivery notes at all?13:17
LordVansince i just tried manually and it requires a product too13:17
LordVanso i'D be able to invoice those sale lines, but not deliver them13:19
LordVanthat would be .. impractical13:20
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LordVanbut creating articles for everythign is also not very practical workflow - and especially work-time-consuming wise13:21
LordVana sale line quite often can just contain something like "10 pieces of sheet metal parts" where each is different, some just cut, some bent too, maybe some even soldered13:22
LordVanbecause there is an attached list from the customer with the details13:22
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cedkLordVan: so I would create one product for each raw material you purchase/store13:51
LordVanhm but then what about compound products then? like something made of different raw materials and assembled which i want on the delivery note (and invoice) as just one line13:53
LordVanmy plan was to put those in the sale_line list, but not copy those lines to the invoice, but just the compound one13:54
LordVanlike customize the method that creates the invoice to exclude some sale_lines (that i'D mark with a boolean)13:55
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pokoliLordVan: why not just create a sale line for each compund14:12
LordVani do14:13
LordVanbut i do not want all of that on the invoices14:13
LordVanalso i am going to have to add an alternative "invoice line" text anyway14:13
pokoliLordVan: I mean just create the sale lines as you want to invoice14:13
pokoliLordVan: and add any additional details as custom information14:13
LordVani need the individual materials too cuz i create a report to use as project sheets for production docs14:13
LordVanI find it easier to subclass sale and filter out lines that i do not need than make that report show that additional detail14:14
LordVanor even easier than filter it on the sale just filter it in the report for the invoice itself14:18
LordVanbut maybe as cedk suggested creating a couple of generic products for different materials might be a feasible option14:46
LordVanand just have custom attributes / extra fields maybe14:46
LordVanI'll be pondering that later and probably sleep over it after some testing14:50
LordVanthanks for the help/tips14:58
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-!- LordVan_(~lordvan@gentoo/developer/LordVan) has joined #tryton20:05
LordVan_question: is there anything to watch out for if i want to run 2 tryton instances on one machine (with seperaet DBs of course)20:07
cedkLordVan_: just run one and select the database at login20:21
LordVan_well i might want to ahve different (custom) module versions though20:33
LordVan_for dev20:33
LordVan_(or i put it on a different box of course)20:33
LordVan_i think i might just do the later for the module dev and the other just for some testing that does nto require that20:35
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