IRC logs of #tryton for Monday, 2012-10-22 #tryton log beginning Mon Oct 22 00:00:01 CEST 2012
2012-10-22 09:46 <_droid> hi people, i have been reading your wiki and in your tutorial, , you start with a "module" in step 1. In step 2 you have the title "Extending our model and adding views". My question is a matter of terminology, is the model a module at the same time or?
2012-10-22 09:47 <_droid> I mean in the SW-Development when someone says "model" it means the part where the data is stored and "Views" is the part where you develop the user interface.
2012-10-22 09:49 <bechamel> _droid: most of the time, a model is directly mapped to a table in the database
2012-10-22 09:50 <bechamel> and instances of this model, the records, are mapped to lines of the database
2012-10-22 09:50 <_droid> bechamel: true, it interfaces with the DB
2012-10-22 09:50 <bechamel> a module is like a pakage that group together some related models
2012-10-22 09:51 <bechamel> _droid: then whe define views, that just tell how to display the fields of a given model
2012-10-22 09:52 <_droid> bechamel: so the file "" can be considered as a model?
2012-10-22 09:53 <bechamel> _droid: no the folder containing the is a module, and defines the meta-data of the module
2012-10-22 09:53 <bechamel> _droid: models are python classes that inherit from the Model class
2012-10-22 09:54 <bechamel> actually they inherit from the ModelSQL class that is itself a descendant of Model
2012-10-22 09:55 <_droid> bechamel: like "" ?
2012-10-22 09:55 <bechamel> _droid: like the Hello class
2012-10-22 09:56 <_droid> bechamel: and the hello.xml is... a view?
2012-10-22 09:57 <bechamel> _droid: hello.xml contains views
2012-10-22 09:58 <bechamel> _droid: the block that starts with <record model="ir.ui.view" id="hello_view_tree">
2012-10-22 09:58 <bechamel> .. is a view
2012-10-22 10:00 <_droid> bechamel: so the xml-file does what? Embraces all the views?
2012-10-22 10:00 <bechamel> and btw this defines a record of the class ir.ui.view (IE a line of the ir_ui_view table if you see it from a db perspective)
2012-10-22 10:01 <bechamel> _droid: yes, and as the file name is in the file, the tryton server knows that (when you install the module) he has to load this file
2012-10-22 10:03 <bechamel> bbl
2012-10-22 10:04 <_droid> bbl?
2012-10-22 10:05 <nicoe> _droid: be back later
2012-10-22 10:05 <_droid> ah k
2012-10-22 10:16 <_droid> but what about "ir.ui.view" in specific? this model is only mentioned in the file hello.hello; is it defined somewhere else that I don't know of?
2012-10-22 10:48 <_droid> can there be something else than "ir.ui.view" in the record tag?
2012-10-22 10:50 <Pilou> yes, xml file allows to load data in the database.
2012-10-22 10:50 <Pilou> for example
2012-10-22 11:41 <_droid> hi I have another question. what are those rnc-files? what is their part in the tryton server
2012-10-22 11:43 <_droid> ?>
2012-10-22 12:25 <udono> _droid: Hi, rnc and rng files are from relaxNG. Its a schema definition language for XML which replaces DTD. It is used to define and validate the XML used in Tryton.
2012-10-22 13:16 <cedk> bechamel: you are not allow to commit translation today
2012-10-22 13:20 <_droid> udono: ah ok thanks
2012-10-22 15:17 <mdnss> hi rmu
2012-10-22 15:18 <rmu> hi mdnss
2012-10-22 15:18 <mdnss> I couldn't connect again on friday
2012-10-22 15:19 <rmu> mdnss: ?
2012-10-22 15:19 <mdnss> you were helping me with my tryton issue
2012-10-22 15:20 <mdnss> "could not connect to server"
2012-10-22 15:20 <mdnss> remember?
2012-10-22 15:20 <rmu> i remember...
2012-10-22 15:20 <rmu> what do you mean with "couldn't connect again" - did it work once?
2012-10-22 15:39 <rmu> mdnss: still there?
2012-10-22 15:39 <mdnss> yes rmu, I mean couldn't connect again to irc channel
2012-10-22 15:42 <rmu> mdnss: you "just" have a configuration problem, your postgresql server is configured to listen on port 5433, and trytond tries to connect with port-number 5432
2012-10-22 15:43 <rmu> last thing from friday was my suggestion to start trytond with "trytond -c path_to_folder/tryton/trytond-2.4.2/etc/trytond.conf -v"
2012-10-22 15:43 <rmu> that should definitely work
2012-10-22 15:44 <rmu> (with the edited trytond.conf)
2012-10-22 15:45 <mdnss> postgres was listening on port 5432, I changed to 5433 due to your suggestion
2012-10-22 15:45 <mdnss> let me see what happens if I start trytond that way
2012-10-22 15:47 <rmu> mdnss:
2012-10-22 15:47 <rmu> postgres was set to listen on port 5433
2012-10-22 15:47 <rmu> i suggested to change the port setting in trytond.conf, not in postgresql
2012-10-22 15:48 <rmu> because there probably is a reason why it listens on 5433
2012-10-22 15:48 <mdnss> It worked that way rmu
2012-10-22 15:49 <mdnss> can you explain me what -c and -v means
2012-10-22 15:51 <rmu> just type "trytond --help", it will explain
2012-10-22 15:51 <mdnss> thanks a lot rmu !!
2012-10-22 15:53 <rmu> yw
2012-10-22 16:12 <mdnss> rmu, to install additional modules, should I only copy the .zip file in trytond/modules?
2012-10-22 16:12 <mdnss> or should I extract them?
2012-10-22 16:15 <rmu> i suppose you have to extract them
2012-10-22 17:47 <flox> tryton flooded pypi :-)
2012-10-22 17:52 <cedk> flox: rather pypi is slowing down the tryton release :-)
2012-10-22 20:12 -!- b0r7( has left #tryton
2012-10-22 21:18 <mdnss> hello
2012-10-22 21:18 <mdnss> I've install calendar module, but I can't see a calendar view in tryton client
2012-10-22 21:18 <mdnss> anybody knows what am I doing wrong?

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